MAVI srl covers a total area of 21,995 square meters.
It has an area intended for the parking of trucks of any size with related services of all kinds (MALE / FEMALE SHOWERS – BREAK AREA).
The structure is:
- Tobacco mt 180
- Hotel mt 500
- Supermarket / Bar 900 meters
- 600 m restaurant
The structure is strategically located with respect to the main highways that connect the entire region as well as the port facilities
- 22 km from the A1 Milan – Naples motorway (Capua exit)
- 33 km from the A30 (Caserta-Salerno)
- 60 km from the A16 Naples – Bari motorway (Benevento exit)
- 45 km from the port of Naples
- 75 km from the port of Salerno
- 245 km from the port of Bari
- 275 km from the port of Civitavecchia